

Na škaredé a upršané dni, ako bol tento nepoznám nič lepšie, ako si dať dobrý koláčik s čajom a len tak sedieť a užívať si teplo domova. Odteraz na škaredé dni s brioškami !

I don't know anything what would be better for these rainy days than good brioche with tea... And just sitting and enjoying the warmth of home. For nasty days with brioche. From now!

Čo budeme potrebovať:

  • 4 šálky polohrubej múky
  • 2 vajíčka
  • 3 lyžičky sušeného droždia
  • 50 g nesoleného masla v izbovej teplote
  • 120 g cukru
  • 200 ml teplého mlieka
  • 50 g horkej čokolády 
  • 1 vajíčko na potieranie
  • mak na posypanie
Do veľkej misy nasypte múku, cukor a nasekané maslo. Rukami premiešajte, vznikne hmota podobná strúhanke, alebo také niečo :)
Pridajte vajíčka a mieste tak zo 3 minútky.
Suš. droždie nasypte do teplého mlieka, pridajte lyžicu cukru a metličkou vyšľahajte, aby sa v mlieku droždie rozpustilo. Potom pomaly mlieko nalievajte do múky. Postupne. Prilejte, premieste, prilejte, premieste...atď. Cesto by malo byť pružné a hladké. Ak sa vám nezdá, pridajte buď múku, alebo mlieko. Vymieste do tvaru gule a nechajte na teplom mieste vykysnúť.
Ak je cesto vykysnuté, vyklopte na pomúčenú dosku a rozdeľte na dve časti. Jednu odložte bokom. Druhú vyvaľkajte na 5 mm. Posypte nastrúhanou čokoládou a spravte rolku, dlhú okolo 25 cm. Potom každú časť prerežte na pásiky, asi 4 a spojte na bokoch a stlačte. Vznikne vám brioška ako mám ja :) Ak sa vám to zdá zložité, spravte uzlík a uložte na plech vystlaný papierom na pečenie. Nechajte ešte prekysnúť zo 25 minút, potrite vajíčkom posypte makom a dajte piecť do vopred vyhriatej rúry na 180°C. Pečte 15 minút, alebo pokiaľ nebudú zlatisté. Opakujte s druhou časťou cesta.

What we need:

  • 2 cups plain flour
  • 2 cups strong white flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 teaspoons dried instant yeast
  • 50 g unsalted butter, melted and cooled 
  • 120 g (little more than 1/2 cup) sugar
  • 200 ml lukewarm milk
  • 50g dark chocolate
  • 1 egg for brushing
  • Poppy seeds

In a large bowl mix the flour, the sugar and the butter. Mix for 5 minutes by hand until crumb consistency.
Add the eggs and mix for a further 5 minutes. 
Let the yeast and 1 tbs sugar dissolve in the warm milk in a small bowl. Then incorporate the mixture, little by little, to the flour/sugar bowl and mix for other 5 minutes. The dough should be now smooth and even. If not, place on a board and mix by hand, eventually adding a little flour. Shape it into a ball.
Place the ball back into the big bowl (oil it) and place it covered with clean kitchen cloth on the warm place. Let rest for at least an hour up to a couple of hours. 
When is dough double of size take the ball out of the warm place and divide into 2 equal parts.
Roll each portion flat into a rectangular shape, grate some chocolate filling on top and finally roll into a 25 cm long cylinder. Divide each cylinder into 5 parts. Take each part and slice thinly about 1/2cm wide. Pinch the ends together and fold backwards to form a ball shape.
Place on parchment paper and leave to rise for another 30 minutes, covered with a clean, damp cloth. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Brush with egg on top and sprinkle with poppy seeds. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes until tops are golden brown. Best eaten on the day they are made.